Well, I was right. Editing did bring its own horrors. The most frustrating was when I accidentally exported the whole 30 minute original instead of the edited version and had to go back the next day to export the right one. (It's always something stupidly simple like that.)

However, there was 1 other point in the editing process that really bugged me. I had everything cut up into its little chunks, arranged in the proper order, title slides in between sections set and ready to go...then I added transitions, and the technological tidal wave hit. Yep.

I don't know if it's the specific version of Final Cut Pro I was using (or just that particular computer, which is my friend in everything but FCP), but for whatever reason, when I watched it, prior to exporting, it did its fade transitions, then a frame from who-knows-where popped up and stuck for approximately half a second while the audio continued like nothing was wrong. (At least it's not as bad as the time I got green pixelated nonsense over every transition...that was a bad day.)

On the bright side, when I watch the uploaded version on YouTube, everything seems to be fine; my crossfade transitions work beautifully.

On the dark side, technology still seems intent on giving me ulcers/heart attacks/various medical complications usually reserved for the highly stressed or old before I'm 25.

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