And we're back, veggie fans, with more of that green gunk you can't get enough of: my Oral History project! ... Awkward. Anywho...

I conducted an interview yesterday afternoon,  Saturday, April 9, with Dorothy Boody, one of the co-owners of Health Now, a health food store in Vineland. She spoke about her experience as a vegetarian and her family's experiences with eating healthier food. Blood type diets feature heavily in her food philosophy, and as a result, she believes blood type A's are more likely to successfully live a vegetarian lifestyle. Many of her comments on ethics, today's food industry, and keeping fruits and vegetables in the diet speak to meat-eaters and vegetarians alike. Some segments may require an explanatory text slide before, but in general, most sound bites should stand alone as independent comments and/or stories.

And I just now realized I can add this interview to my annotated bib. Cue snicker. *SNICKER*

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