Well, first, the group has changed the research to question to exclude vegans, so my last post, Oral History 003, is no longer relevant.

Meanwhile, we've been creating potential interview questions, and here are mine:
Dietitian Questions:
1. What is a vegetarian?
2. What are the typical reasons behind people's becoming vegetarians?
3. Are there different degrees of vegetarians? If so, what differentiates them from one another?
4. What are the health benefits of being a vegetarian?
5. What are the health shortcomings, or issues that require attention, for vegetarians?
6.  Why should, or should not, people become vegetarians?

Avg Vegetarian Questions:
1. Why did you become a vegetarian? (Ex: health, moral obligation, etc.)
2. What difficulties do you face, if any, in finding suitable food options? At the grocery store? In cafeterias?
3. What is your opinion on stores' prices for vegetarian food?
4. Have you ever been in a situation where vegetarian options were not readily available? Describe.5. Why should, or should not, others become vegetarians?

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